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Entering the Summer Season

Writer: Kizzi SampsonaKizzi Sampsona

We're coming up to the summer season steadfastly; already leaving the morning dew in spring behind and metamorphosing into our sexy, fiery self for the effervescent summer! So how can we nourish ourselves holistically this coming summer season?

Tip #1 (Get out of the house)

Why stay in the house being a cave dweller when the sun is out?! Perhaps you reside in a country where you are lucky enough to enjoy more sun than most and that's why it's easier to take it for granted! Well DONT! Get out there, go to the park, go for a walk or a bike ride~ just get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air!

Not only will you feel more enlivened but you will experience the benefits of Vitamin D coming straight from those marvellous sun rays. We all know Vitamin D is essential for our health but do you know the specifics?

With a Vitamin D deficiency, you have a higher risk of experiencing diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, breast cancer and a lowered immune system! This is why it is essential to expose yourself to some sunlight before it's peak.

Tip #2 (Connect with different people)

Granted, you have your friendship group and your wonderful family but do you ever venture out of these established groups to connect with others? When you connect with people you exchange bacteria, influence each other not only physically but biologically too. Connecting with others increases diversity in your gut microbiome and it also helps you to create new neural pathways! It's good for your growth, generally as a human being to step out of your comfort zone and seek out new activities, groups or people who are different to yourself; you may find that you even have more in common with them!

Tip #3 (MOVE)

The days are longer, the nights are short- nature is telling you to run wild, be free and MOVE! Have you stumbled upon an electrical device covered in dust, plugged it into the power socket to see if it was still working and to your dismay there wasn't even a sparkle of life in it? There's a famous saying that sums that up, 'if you don't use it, you lose it'. And this same analogy and saying can be applied to your body! If you have a sedentary lifestyle or make an excuse to stay glued to your sofa then guess what will happen? So take advantage of your supple joints, strong limbs and amazing weather!

Go to a boxing class! Or try out some hiking (you don't want to do it alone but your friends and family are uninterested?) Great, what a better excuse to connect with like minded individuals in a hiking group!

Tip #4 (BEE A QUEEN)

The flowers are open, the sun is out but maybe you are not feeling as energetic and active as you would like to. While there are many things that can be contributing to this; you may not know till you decide to embark on a health programme! However, there is a seasonally appropriate product that you may want to take.

Bees are one of the most prolific pollinators worldwide and these wonderful flying insects make a substance called Royal Jelly. Whilst worker bees are only fed Royal Jelly for 3 days of their lives, the queen is fed this elixir for the whole of her life. Thanks to our little friends, you too can enjoy royal jelly in liquid or capsule form.

Royal Jelly is high in B-vitamins which means that you can experience a boost of that much needed energy you have been wishing for. Not only will you be cart-wheeling about the house but you may even experience increased focus and feelings of joy. Royal Jelly increases the release of those famous happy hormones, serotonin and dopamine.

Transform into that gorgeous, zesty, vibrant being you've been cooking up in the winter/spring months!

To experience your own personalised metamorphosis into amazing health email: sowseedsofhealth@proton. me

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